XNA Redistributable Font Pack
These OpenType fonts, created by Ascender Corporation and licensed by Microsoft, are free for you to use in your XNA Game Studio game. You may redistribute these fonts in their original format as part of your game. GameGame ProgrammingXNAFonts
XNA Best Practices for Indie Games 3.1
If you are interested in creating an Xbox LIVE Indie Game, use this guide to understand the expectations of the millions of gamers who will be downloading and playing your game, and the actions you can take to make your game look, feel, and play its very Game ProgrammingXNA
Scrolling a 2D Background
If you're working on 2D games, at some point you're going to want to know how to create a scrolling background. This tutorial will cover setting up a horizontally scrolling background that auto-scrolls behind your character Games ProgrammingXNAScrolling